My CLEAR WiMAX Setup and Netflix Streaming Demo

Posted by William Higgins | 8:32 PM | , , , | Comments

I am often asked about my personal CLEAR WiMAX setup in my home. Back in May when CLEAR first launched in Atlanta I dumped Comcast and went 100% CLEAR WiMAX. I do not have the most ideal WiMAX signal. So I had to be a little creative on where I place my home modem. As you can see from the video it work quite well. I took this video a while back and the speeds that demonstrate are not as fast as the speed I am seeing now. It is still a good video showing how I have things setup and may help some people understand a little better what the setup looks like.

Another aspect of this video is a brief demo I do of the Netflix Streaming Video app running on my TiVoHD box. I am a huge TiVo fan and have been an active member of the for many many years (My user ID is W Auggie H). Since I dumped Comcast I have have used the Netflix app on my TiVo a lot. We use it all the time to for our Family movie night. Anyway, I wanted to show that my TiVo and the new Netflix app work great through my CLEAR WiMAX connection. Even at 3MB download speeds that I am showing at the time. When I was a Comcast customer I had problems running the Netfilx app. The stream would drop out 2-3 times during a 2 hour movie. With CLEAR WiMAX I have a much more stable experience.

So check out the video and leave any questions or comments you may have. I enjoy the feedback.

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